Data Solutions for Background Screening Companies

The below search offerings are designed to provide background screening companies with “tips and leads” to conduct more effective independent searches for information. NOTE: Information from the below offerings from Omni is not designed for inclusion in consumer reports.

Multi-State Criminal History

This search allows customers to access information from a proprietary database containing more than three quarters of a billion criminal records from varied sources across the United States. It is a great option for conducting a broad search designed to identify where customers may wish to seek out additional criminal history information. However, to be clear, available records do not include all cases from all jurisdictions across the country. In other words, they do not encompass all criminal records nationwide.

Address History

This search of credit bureau records and certain proprietary databases returns alias and address history information that is associated with search subjects. It is a useful option for identifying potentially relevant locations to look for criminal records or other meaningful public records. It is also a helpful resource for identifying additional names to consider searching in public records. To be clear, although it is a useful and broad search tool, this search does not include all aliases and addresses of individuals nationwide.

SSN Trace

This search of credit bureau records and certain proprietary databases is an enhanced version of the Address History search. It uses the individual’s Social Security Number (SSN) to identify alias and address history information that is associated with search subjects. Although it is a useful and broad search tool, it does not include all aliases and addresses of individuals nationwide.

Multi-State Sex Offender Registry

This search of U.S. Department of Justice National Sex Offender Registry (NSOR) data seeks out sex offender registry information from all 50 states and U.S. territories. With this search, background screening companies can fine-tune their search for sex offender registry information.


This search inquires with hundreds of government sources to identify where screening firms may wish to seek out disciplinary actions, exclusions, debarments, suspensions, and terrorist watch list activity. Individuals found to have such matters in their background are often ineligible to participate in federal contracts, grants, loans, and other procurement and non-procurement programs.

Sources Include:

  • U.S. Office of the Inspector General (OIG) List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE)
  • U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) List of Excluded Parties – System for Award Management (SAM) List
  • Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Most Wanted
  • State and Federal Medicaid exclusions and abuse registries
  • Hundreds of International, Federal, and State sources and lists

NOTE: For an exact list of sources checked with the Sanctions search, please inquire with Omni.

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